Sunday, December 12, 2010

Easy Like Sunday....

Maizee is basking in the splash of sunlight that graces their cat tower for only a short while in the morning hours. I snuck up on her & to my surprise she stayed in the same spot (for once) and I actually got some still shots of her...these are rather rare as she is ALWAYS 'on the go'! She even seemed to 'pose' for some close ups>>>an even bigger rarity.

"I iz in thu sunshine, starring out thu window, hoping for birdiez"

"Oh hi, you snucked up on mee...I wuz meditating."

"but soon turned to MUSH, dont i look mooshy??!! i luvz mah BOOGIE MAT, see it undur mee..."

"Then up for a glamer shot, dont i look meowgnifsently floofy & gorguz??!!! i iz stunning..."

"Thez iz how i normally look...but i likez the GLAM shot better! maybee i shuld get some walletz made, send them to all mah MAN CAT furenz"


  1.'re surely a handsome mainecoon mancat

  2. i iz a GURL!! Murfee iz the mancat....WHY I NEVER!!! MOL MOL j/k
