Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts

We had Thanksgiving @my folks this year and the kittehs came along. They immediately went under their couch and napped until we were done eating, then they got a 'special' dinner of wet food mixed w/pumpkin and pieces of turkey. Gramy & Grampy love their visits :) But this year we are most thankful for not having lost a family pet, which happened the last 3 years AT Thanksgiving. Below are the furbabies who are no longer w/us.

Sassy, my folk's dog of 11+ years ventured to the Rainbow Ridge last Thanksgiving '08. She was the best dog they could ever ask for and is STILL deeply missed...

Spike, my sister's cat of 17 years crossed over to the Rainbow Ridge Thanksgiving '07. She was a cantankerous kitty but still loyal only to my sister, she won hearts just cuz she was SPIKE....

And my beloved Max of 10+ years left my life but not my heart Thanksgiving '06. He was my best friend, roomie, child, confident, and just over all love of my life. There will NEVER be another like him, he was the most unique cat... (he is pictured top and bottom is his dad who was a champion show cat) His papers may have said Mr Maxemillion Fu Man Chu but he will ALWAYS be my 'iddle man'. **Note-all of these beloved pets are STILL in all our homes as we keep them close in cherished urns**


  1. BARK! Mommy was worried Max would leave us on Thanksgiving too. But he was too eager to visit the bridge. BARK! Sasha the Princess

  2. Yes I thought of your Max when I posted that, but didnt want to make your mommy sadder. Glad you liked your visit to Monty Ray, but next month you are gonna visit us in Prez Scott! The kittehs cant wait for your visit...NOT! ((MOL))
